Holden Online Simulations are online, interactive sales training experiences based on the latest research in adult cognitive learning. Studies show that the development of skills in adults is best achieved through experience and practice.
Everyone on your team is time-crunched. They want to be selling, not sitting in sales training seminars. That’s why the Holden Adaptive Platform is designed to be flexible and modular. Each seller can get right-sized bites of relevant, usable information – FAST.
Plus, our system has built-in analytics to measure and predict seller behaviors so you can better understand and forecast their results. Through our research-based strategies you will see them grow into customer advisers.
There are five important components that make this software extraordinarily effective:
Each of these sections provides valuable information in a variety of ways to appeal to different types of learners. It all works together to creatively reinforce concepts and lead to seller success.
Experience real-world simulations that let you practice Holden’s game-changing sales habits in an environment that mirrors real selling situations. These new user habits are tracked through detailed behavioral analytics.
Our games reinforce concepts throughout the program with active online role-playing experiences. This is sales training where every seller is involved actively. By applying concepts in this setting, they can focus solely on specific principles featured in each game without distraction.
Our Quick Insights videos discuss how our habits work together and how they can be applied. These nuggets of information can be easily put to practice through other areas of the Online Simulations or in the Sales Software Suite.
Our Online Simulations are rich in engaging graphics throughout. Research shows that people respond to visuals in different ways than with text alone. We developed these illustrative charts to show our habits and concepts in layouts that appeal to more visual learners. These also serve as great tools for quick reference on concepts.
This in-depth content delivers every detail about our research-based strategies. These looks are divided into pieces that are easily processed by all users, whether you read all at once or in sections. You get comprehensive information that fits your schedule. Unlike traditional sales training materials, our Comprehensive Looks are an accessible resource that sellers and reference time and time again.
Learn about every part of the Holden Adaptive Platform, including the Sales Software Suite and our Deal Coaching and Consulting.
If you’re ready to change the game with your teams sales training, contact us.